"Welcome to the largest neighborhood association in Downtown!"
to the neighborhood!

What is the Memphis Downtown Neighborhood Association?
"It is the purpose of the association to promote enjoyment and enhancement of downtown living. The association’s continued objective is to protect and enhance the quality of life in the downtown area. The association maintains and fosters a spirit of community for downtown residents, businesses, and visitors."
"The Downtown Neighborhood Association of Memphis is a non-profit community organization that promotes the quality of life in Downtown Memphis, as well as safeguards its unique ambiance. DNA has been there to help shape downtown into the livable, enjoyable neighborhood that it is today. Without those early visionaries and those who came after, who believed in and fought for this neighborhood, we might not be here today. Without them, it certainly would be a very different place." - President Jerred Price
By becoming involved in DNA, you'll discover your strengths, build your network, and get on a first-name basis with city leaders. You will be connected in ways you can't even imagine. Downtown is a never-ending work in progress.
There is much to be done. Help us build a better neighborhood!
Why become a member of downtown largest neighborhood association?

Exclusive discounts to downtown businesses!
Access to exclusive first looks at new developments, restaurants, & bars!
Access to monthly membership meetings with free drinks & food!
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Membership starts at only $25 a year!
...and much more! Click HERE to read more about becoming a member!
Want to know what's happening in downtown on the daily? Well look no further! Click the button below to see a wonderful community calendar full of events and happenings!
Neighborhood concern? Illegal dumping? Blight?
Report it to the DNA's "Fight The Blight" Initiative by clicking the button blow:
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